<table width="788" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td height="64"><a href="/members"><img align="right" src="http://www.investview.com/images/members/header.png" alt="Header" style="border:2px solid white;"></a></td></tr><tr><td><br>Dear InvestView Customer,<br><br>There will be a training Webinar held on Apr 24.  You are invited to attend, please come and learn more!<br><br>This training will cover investing basics and the principles behind successful trading.  A definite must for those seeking to gain a better understanding of the market.  The webinar will begin at 7:00 pm and end at 10:00 pm Mountain time.<br><br>It is easy to join the Webinar, just go online with any Windows based PC and follow this link:<br><br><a href="http://investview.epopcentral.com/?join=investessentials">http://investview.epopcentral.com/?join=investessentials</a>. <br><br>After following the link enter this password and you should automatically join the webinar:<br><br><b>Password: concept1</b><br><br>Please let us know if you have any questions or if we may be of any assistance. You can reach our support staff at 1-877-795-8479. Please ask for InvestView Support. Our offices are open Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mountain Time.<br><br>View The <a href="http://www.investview.com/help">Getting Started</a> Guide.<br><br><a href="http://www.investview.com/help/download">Download</a> the latest version of the InvestView Seer.<br><br>Send an <a href="http://www.investview.com/help/contactform">Email</a> to our support staff.<br><br>Thank you,<br><br>InvestView Customer Support<br></td></tr></table>